
Benefits of Karkidaka Chikitsa and Monsoon Therapy

Benefits of Karkidaka Chikitsa and Monsoon Therapy

Karkidaka Chikitsa or Monsoon Ayurveda treatment can be called a healing treatment plan involving detoxification and rejuvenation that became a part of our tradition as it had been in practice for a few decades or even centuries. The Malayalam month of Karkidaka is thought to be the most difficult of months as it is observed to be quite taxing physically, mentally and spiritually. Due to rain, the atmosphere tends to be on the humid side which alleviates conditions of Arthritis, Asthma, Allergies etc. Karkidaka being the month of intense rains increases the chances of causing a widespread of various types of waterborne diseases. Common sources of water like drinking water, drainage water etc are exposed to germs and as a result, infections can happen from getting in contact with contaminated water. 

Why Karkidaka Chikitsa?

Kerala gets its south-west monsoons during the period of June to August and north-east monsoons during October to November. Karkidaka Chikitsa gets its name from the Malayalam month falling between July and August. During summers, toxins tend to build up in our body. With the arrival of monsoons, the atmosphere shifts to being humid and colder. It can worsen several Vata dosha ailments like arthritis, allergies, swelling and depression. Hence Karkidaka Chikitsa involves detoxification therapies which helps rid the body of any pent up toxins from the summer followed by rejuvenation therapy which helps the body maintain the balance and equips it to keep going all through the year by getting the health back to its roots.

With the sudden drift of weather from an extreme hot climate to the dampness the rain brings along, the acidity levels in crops goes up which on consumption can be the cause of an aggravated Pitta dosha. Pitta dosha can cause ailments such as acidity, digestive issue, inflammation, skin disorders and other allergies. With the chances of water and food contamination being higher, its consumption can result in Kapha dosha which can also result in fever, cold, cough and other allergies. Karkidaka Chikitsa is practiced as a tradition so as to keep the doshas in check as well as to keep oneself free of monsoon diseases. By detoxifying the body, we are giving our body a chance to rebuild the immune system, balance metabolism and boost energy levels. 

Who benefits the most from Karkidaka Chikitsa?

Karkidaka Chikitsa in Kerala can benefit everyone as it helps stabilize the doshas. But those who suffer from chronic ailments that have the tendency to aggravate during the monsoons such as arthritis, spondylitis, muscular pain, back pain, depression and sleep disorders. Treatments for specific ailments are conducted only after consultation and analysing the severity of the disease. 

Treatment Plans

Monsoon Ayurveda treatment is considered to be effective as the calm and soothing atmosphere makes the body more receptive to the medicines and treatment plans. It also includes a specific Ayurveda diet including light, fresh and easily digestible foods prepared from the grains rice, wheat and barley along with the pulses, lentils and green gram, cow’s ghee, as well as sour and salted soups of vegetables. Dietary and lifestyle changes that can help in balancing doshas are required in achieving the optimum results with the monsoon treatment.

Karkidaka Chikitsa is carefully formulated with different types of treatments spanning for a time of 7 to 14 days according to the body condition of each person and includes treatments such as :

  • Abhyangam / Ayurvedic Oil Massage
    • Whole body massage using hot medicated oils for strengthening muscles and body rejuvenation.
  • Dhara
    • Treatment using a steady flow of warm oil, coconut milk or other medicated liquids over the head.
  • Karnapooranam / Ear cleansing therapy
    • Warm medicated oil is administered into the ear cavity following a gentle neck and head massage. An ear massage is followed after the treatment.
  • Swedana / Medicated steam bath
    • Followed by Abhyangam, swedana is done to help open the pores and thus stimulating the toxins to be directed towards sweat glands for  getting eliminated from the body.
  • Nasyam
    • Detox treatment where ayurvedic drugs are administered through the nasal cavity which helps strengthen the nasal passage and treats infections or allergies. It is also beneficial for people suffering from migraine or headaches in general.
  • Njavarakizhi
    • It is a procedure involving application of herbal medicines along with Njavara rice – a special rice with multiple medicinal values. It benefits people suffering from arthritis related complexities, neurological issues and other skin ailments. 
  • Pizhichil
    • Pizhichil literally translates to ‘Squeezing’. It is also known as Thailadhaara. This therapy combines snehana and swedana where the body is induced to sweat profusely alongside an oil massage. It helps muscle development and detoxification as well.
  • Snehapana
    • Medicated ghee or oil is administered orally during this treatment and is beneficial for treating psoriasis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal issues. 
  • Vasthi
    • Vasthi is beneficial for people troubled by Vata disorders which include Arthritis, Numbness, Paralysis and Rheumatic complaints.
  • Virechanam
    • Virechana is a medicated purgative therapy to eliminate Pitta dosha from one’s body which helps clean the gastrointestinal tract. It is performed as a controlled toxin flush to help clear the accumulated toxins in liver and gallbladder.

All these treatment plans are focused on intense detoxification by means of various techniques, dietary and lifestyle changes as well as massages. 

Apart from the treatment procedures performed, a vital part in the Karkidaka Chikitsa is having Karkidaka Kanji, the nutritious dietary supplement with healing properties, to make the most out of the treatment. It is a porridge prepared using red rice, jaggery, coconut, ghee and a herbal powder mix called oushadha choorna. It helps keep the digestive fire aflame, easily digestible, helps clear channels and has nourishing properties. 

Karkidaka Chikitsa in Kerala is beneficial for preventing monsoon diseases, provides better immunity and blood circulation, regulates digestion and improves appetite, manages hormone imbalance, restores body balance and flexibility, improves and maintains sensory organs, balances neurological imbalances and improves intellect. Thus the monsoon ayurveda treatment is a tradition followed to keep the tridoshas in check. With an improved immunity, one becomes susceptible to other seasonal diseases and also makes a person healthy and fit on a physical, mental and spiritual level. 

With our expert panel of doctors and therapists and experience in the holistic approach of detoxification and rejuvenation, it is our promise to provide the best healing experience during the monsoon season with our specialized Karkidaka Chikitsa.

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