Ayurvedic Cosmetology


Ayurvedic Treatment For
Ayurvedic Cosmetology

SreeRudra Ayurveda is the best cosmetology treatment center that offers traditional Ayurvedic methods to bring out the best in your skin and hair. Our goal is to help you achieve a beautiful, healthy, and youthful appearance. We believe that Ayurveda is the best way to achieve this goal. At SreeRudra Ayurveda, we offer a variety of treatments to help you get the best results.

We offer both herbal and non-herbal treatments that are tailored to suit your individual skin and hair needs. Our treatments target the root cause of skin and hair problems, instead of simply treating the symptoms. Our treatments are aimed atnourishing and revitalizing your skin and hair, leaving you with a healthy, glowing complexion.

We specialize in Ayurveda cosmetology and have a team of expert ayurvedic practitioners to help you achieve your desired results. Our treatments include massages, detoxification, herbal medications, facial masks and other therapies that are designed to promote healthy skin and hair. We also offer diet advice and lifestyle modifications to complement our treatments.

At SreeRudra Ayurveda, we believe in using natural ingredients and methods to achieve the best results. Our treatments are safe, gentle and effective and will leave your skin and hair looking and feeling great. We use only the finest and purest herbal ingredients in our treatments, so you can be sure that you are getting the best quality treatment available.

At SreeRudra Ayurveda, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality of care and service. We strive to make sure that our clients are happy and satisfied with the results of our treatments. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff are always on hand to answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to help you achieve the best results with Ayurveda in cosmetology.

Ayurveda Cosmetology is an emerging branch focused not merely on external appearance, it’s rooted deep into one’s spiritual, mental, and physical equilibrium long with a balanced stage of tridosa (V, P, K), Satwa, Dinacharya, Rtucharya.

Ayurveda cosmetology aims to produce nutrition, care and cure to your skin and hair through chemical-free authentic formulations and procedures.

Step to our soundrya beauty concept through Ayurveda to get healthy glowing skin and hair. Nourish your body with the goodness of Ayurveda.

India In The History Of Cosmetology With Ayurvedic Care And Treatments

There are plenty of records from the past demonstrating how important beauty was. Different artworks, sculptures, and cave paintings all around the world bring this statement to life. Ancient sources of knowledge like the Veda, Purana, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Brihat Samhita, and Vatsyayana Kamsutra all have a substantial contribution to this. Evidence of the appreciation of beauty in those times can be seen in the artifacts found in Mahenjodaro and Harrapa culture, like ‘Shilajitu’, ‘Kajala’, and ‘Mirrors’. In the Rigveda, instructions for applying certain herbs to the body and in the Atharvaveda, mantras that emphasize the importance of enhancing the complexion, hair, and physical appearance of the body are found. According to the Garuda Purana, various means of improving beauty are described, as well as separate instructions for male and female body parts. The Ramayana and Mahabharata also offer extensive details regarding the beauty of important figures such as Ramchandra, Sita, Nakula, and Sahdeva. In the Anushasan Parva of the Mahabharata, it is indicated that to gain beauty and popularity, the Chandrayana Vrata should be observed during the Magasirsha Masa. Additionally, the description of Draupadi at the time of her Swayamvara and her role as a beautician further demonstrate the level of fashion sense which was present during that era.

Ayurvedic literature is also behind in this matter. Oriental medical practitioners have highlighted the importance of a good looking exterior for physicians, staff and patients. Terms like Sumukha, Sudarshana, Subhaga and others have been related to the types of Prakriti, Sara, Samhanana, Pramana and so on. Furthermore, the descriptions of Dinacharya and Ritucharya illustrate the concern for cosmetics in those times. The dietary habits and Pathya-Apathya are also significant aspects in boosting beauty. Ayurveda’s unique concepts like Vyayama, Abhyanga massage, and various kinds of Snana show how highly valued cosmetology was back then.

Additionally, the concept of Rasayana therapy particularly demonstrates the importance of keeping a youthful appearance. Ayurveda values beauty regardless of age or gender, but it is just as important to prioritize health in order to be considered beautiful. A healthy body and mind are essential in order to meet the standards of beauty.

Maharshi Charaka divided various herbs into groups, such as Varnya, Keshya, and Vayasthapana, to increase a person’s beauty. Abhyanga, Snana, and Lepa are some of the hygienic activities in Sushruta Samhita that are believed to improve a person’s physical and mental well-being. The 22 Upkramas mentioned in Vaikritapaham, such as Alepana, Pariseka, Utsadana, Pandukarma, and Roma sanjanana, show that cosmetics had a major role in this document.Moreover, Sushruta was the first to develop cosmetic treatments such as Auroplasty and Rhinoplasty.

In Astanga Samgraha and Astanga Hridaya, two groups of herbs are categorized as the Varnya group, namely Rodhradigana and Eladigana. Both of these ancient authors also describe Mukha Lepa, Mukha Lepa Varjya, and Samyak Prokta Mukha Lepa Laksana. Acharya Vagbhata’s ‘Astanga Hridaya’ outlines six different formulations of Mukha Lepa as per ‘Ritu Bheda’ (seasonal variations). During the Mughal Empire, the study of cosmetics was given more attention, as evidenced by references in texts like Sarangdhara, Bhavapraksha, and Yogaratnakara.

Cosmetology In Ayurveda

Ayurveda’s concept of cosmetology is associated with the wellbeing of both the body and mind. The literature on cosmetology and healthy individuals in Ayurveda can be broadly divided into three sections:

Elements That Identify Beauty

Of these, several factors are identified in Ayurveda that play a major role in deciding a person’s beauty, such as Prakriti, Sara, Samhanana, Varna, Prabha, Chhaya, Pramana of various Angavayavas, and Dirghayu Lakshanas that give the basic foundation and aesthetic sense of personality and beauty.

According to Ayurveda, Prakriti is an intrinsic factor that affects one’s beauty. Vagbhata has based different Prakrutis on the facial characteristics, especially of the eyes. The anatomy of organs such as the eyes, skin, teeth, and nails is given priority when discussing the eight sars. Maharshi Charaka has noted that the skin of the Tvaksara Purusha is lustrous, silky to the touch, soft, attractive, thin, and shiny. He also commented that a healthy individual, with evenly distributed muscles, ample power, and strength of the senses, will be resistant to illnesses. This underlines the importance of wellness in regard to a person’s personality.

According to Ayurvedic texts, the individual organs of a healthy person have been quantified in relation to Pramana Pariksha. In addition to the numerical analysis, the shape and outline of each organ is also seen to be described in the Ayurvedic texts. Kashyapa and Charaka discuss an individual’s personality and life span in connection to the different anatomical features such as hair, skin, head, ears, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, lips, neck, chest hands, axilla, and so forth, based on their varying shapes and outlines.

In Ayurveda, the word “Varna” is utilized for both colour and complexion. To maintain or enhance the radiance of the skin, proper care must be observed, such as protecting it from excessive sunlight and frequent cleaning. Soft, healthy skin gives off a beaming complexion. The overall health of the skin is assessed through its texture, colour, tone, luster, and complexion. The complexion is the standard appearance of a person’s facial skin, specifically, it’s colour or quality. Texture pertains to the feel of an object, whether it is rough or smooth, soft or hard. Luster refers to the amount

of shine. According to Maharshi Charaka, four colours, namely Krishna, Shyama, Shyamavadata, and Avadata, are deemed normal for the body. Meanwhile, Nila, Shyama, Tamra, Harita, and Shukla are considered “Vikruta Varna” of the body. External factors like genetic factors (Desha, Kula, Jati), Shukra, and Ahara-Vihara, as well as internal factors like Mahabhoota, Dosha, and more, all have an influence on the complexion.

Components Influencing Beauty

Ayurveda states that when the Dosha and Dhatu are in good health, it enhances one’s beauty. An even-keeled Agni, achieved by digestion and metabolism, produces vital substances such as Bala, Varna, Ojas, Dhi, Dhriti, and Smriti, which all play a role in creating beauty. Additionally, the combination of Matrijadi Shad Bhavas and Panchamahabhautic also contribute to an individual’s innate beauty. Age, sex, religion, race, and anthropology all have a considerable effect on one’s physical beauty. The excellence of all the dhatus is responsible for the maintenance of a person’s physical beauty. Eating the right food and having proper digestion results in the health of all the dhatus, which boosts the physical appearance. It is also essential to eliminate wastes for the person to receive nourishment and stay healthy and look attractive. Agni further contributes to the individual’s beauty as it has the ability to effectively digest food and make nutrients accessible to the tissues. It also helps to train the mind to be disciplined in order to attain inner beauty. The five elements together take part in the formation of organs during pregnancy and are also responsible for colouring the skin.


Factors That Improve Beauty

Ayurveda is well-known for its detailed descriptions of adjuvants, such as Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Achara Rasayana, and various internal medicines like Mahakashaya. The practice also includes surgical treatments, such as Plastic surgery and Vaikritapaham, as well as Hitatama, Matravat, and Sadapathya dravyas diets. Finally, Ayurveda offers medicinal options such as Rasayana, Ghrita, and Taila.

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Ayurveda In Cosmetology

In social life, human beings have always admired and strived to maintain beauty since ancient times. Respect is gained through physical appearance, oratory ability, what one wears and wealth. This is a significant issue regarding both medicine and society that has been around for centuries. As the demand for improvement of physical beauty has gone up, so have the problems associated with it, such as lifestyle changes and air pollution. The concept of beauty and cosmetics has been around since the beginning of human civilization. Ayurveda has always seen beauty as an important concept and asserts that healthy skin is dependent on the overall health of an individual. Numerous skin care treatments are suggested by Ayurveda that should be followed throughout life.

Due to the increased demand of the society, the area of cosmetology is growing quickly. Ayurveda is an ancient practice of native medicine which is unique in that it is not only a branch of healthcare, but also an art of life for people. There is a huge requirement of Ayurveda in the field of cosmetology because of its distinct concept of beauty and its cost-effective, durable, and safe beauty treatments without any unfavorable effects.

Role Of Dinacharya

In Ayurvedic texts, ‘Ritucharya’ is discussed in detail in order to keep people healthy and beautiful. In terms of cosmetics, we can find advice like in cold months (Hemanta and Sishira) you should apply Agaru paste to your skin to protect it from the cold. During Sishira, it is mentioned to avoid foods and drinks that are pungent, bitter, astringent, light, cold, and increase Vata. During Spring, it is suggested to use a paste made of Sandal and Agaru and to eat mainly wheat and barley. For the summer season, one should consume sweet, cold, liquid and fatty foods and drinks, since the sun’s rays draw out the moisture from nature. It is also suggested to sleep in a cool room during the day and to sleep on the roof of the house with plenty of air and cooled with moonlight, and to have Sandal paste on the body. During summertime, it is important to take precautions to protect oneself from the extreme temperatures, such as finding solace in forests, taking a dip in cold water, and being surrounded by blossoming flowers. This shows a great attention to both beauty and health.

The Role Of Exercise

Engaging in physical activity on a regular basis is critical for overall health and beauty since it helps open up the body’s pathways, enabling it to be purged of toxins and be provided with the required nutrients. Exercise is particularly beneficial to the skin since it helps to eliminate waste and allow it to regenerate itself, appearing fresh and clear. Additionally, exercise reinforces the muscles and keeps them toned and fit. Exercising has a positive impact on the mental and emotional state of an individual, decreasing tension and anxiety, resulting in a feeling of contentment. It also aids in getting a deep and restful sleep. When exercising, it is advisable to do so at half the capacity and to be mindful of the temperature, avoiding overexertion. Additionally, one should strive to breathe evenly, which strengthens the lungs and digestive organs, significantly improving the skin’s texture and colour. It is not recommended to engage in physical activity when one is suffering from respiratory issues, inflammation in any part of the body, or digestive problems.

Rasayana Therapy

Ayurveda has a one-of-a-kind treatment known as Rasayana therapy. This is a testament to the Acharyas’ keen sense of aesthetics. With this therapy, their aim was to keep a person looking young and attractive even as they aged. Additionally, they tried to reverse the effects of aging, so that the person could look younger again. Therefore, Rasayana therapy is useful in sustaining youthfulness, slowing down the signs of aging, and reversing the effects of old age.

Aachara Rasayana

According to Acharya Charaka, Ayurveda’s holistic view of beauty covers physical, mental, and spiritual health. He states that if one adheres to the correct health codes, he or she can live up to one hundred years without any illness. Such an individual will be praised by the wise and will fill the world with his or her renown, acquire virtues and wealth, and gain the friendship of all living creatures. In order to promote social progress, Aachara Rasayana is particularly helpful for enhancing a person’s character. To stay in cleanliness, one should bathe, clean their excretory passages, and cut their hair, nails, and toenails at least three times a fortnight. Furthermore, one’s clothes should be undamaged, they should use pleasant-smelling flowers and fragrances, and their hair should be stylishly groomed.

The Importance Of Diet For Beauty

According to Ayurvedic medicine, having excellent digestion and elimination of waste products are vital for having a healthy, balanced and attractive body. These factors are responsible for clear skin, bright eyes, lustrous hair, sturdy nails, strength, mental clarity and a pleasant character. The tremendous benefit of the Ayurvedic approach to health and beauty is the focus on treating individuals as unique persons. Instead of just focusing on the caloric content or the nutrients of food, like in the West, the Ayurvedic diet is based more on the individual’s preference of color, smell, temperature, taste and texture. This way, it is believed that when the body is out of balance, it will naturally be attracted to the foods it needs.

Scope Of Ayurveda In Cosmetology

Ayurveda, the science of life, has extensively studied the field of cosmetics, addressing both its preventative and promotive aspects of beauty, as well as its curative aspects related to any beauty ailments. Ayurvedic cosmetics are not just mundane cosmetics, but rather Cosmo-therapeutics. Rasayana Tantra is one of the eight main branches of Ayurveda that also covers various aspects of cosmetology. The singular Rasayana approach offers herbal, multiple herbal and herbomineral preparations, which are employed to enhance beauty, counteract the effects of aging, and stave off premature changes that harm beauty. Ayurvedic cosmetics include oral health boosters, hair care remedies, dental care products, and bath items/deodorants, all of which must be standardized and require safety tests, systematic clinical trials in order to gain global acceptance.

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